5 Best Household Chores During Pregnancy to Keep You Busy as a Bee

One question that revolves in the minds of all pregnant mothers – Can I mop the house? Am I allowed to clean the toilet? Would it be okay if I take care of my plants and pets? Should I do the laundry? Household chores are something everyone has to do no matter whatever happens, until and unless one is sick or disabled. But when you become pregnant, some household chores are strictly off-limits for you. For instance, you cannot clean cat litter and lift heavy furniture during pregnancy. Also, pregnant women are advised to stay away from fumes and hence should not live in a freshly-painted house. So, what pregnant women can do when they are in their homes during COVID era? Being busy is very important because an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. That’s why you need to occupy yourself in hobbies and household chores. In this blog, you will know about 5 best household chores during pregnancy to keep you busy as a bee. So, without any further ado, let’s take a look at all of them....